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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Roof Damage

Storms with high winds and heavy rains can be very problematic. Strong winds can often blow roof tiles off or cause them to lift. Sometimes trees or large branches can fall into the roof and damage tiles, even go through to the attic or ceiling. Once tiles are damaged or broken through, then rain comes inside the home. Pictured here, a roof did not hold up during a storm. We had to go into the home and use our state of the art equipment to dry out the carpeting in the room which the water then had seeped into. We removed all water, and dried out the carpeting. Unfortunately in this case the carpeting could not be salvaged as otherwise mold would have become an issue. We removed the carpeting, disposed of it for the homeowner, dried out the sub flooring and removed all moisture from the air. We also put a tarp on the roof.